This utility creates a list of media URLS used in the dataset.
python utils/embeds.py tweets.jsonl > embeds.txt
Specification of an output file is not necessary, however, without specification, output will be printed to the cmd.
This utility creates a text file with all the emojis in the data with the number of times each emoji has been used. Note: emojis and non-Latin characters may not render well because of certain UTF-8 characters, particularly in Windows. To fix this you can follow the directions here.
python utils/emojis.py tweets.jsonl > emojis.txt
For help:
python utils/emojis.py -h
This utility extracts supplied attributes from tweets. Parsing will be done using a default file, but you can specify the path with the argument -path PATH as listed below.
python utils/extractor.py user:screen_name -output extractor.csv
-dialect DIALECT (sets dialect for csv output. Defaults to excel. See python module csv.list_dialects())
-string STRING (regular expression for files to parse. Defaults to empty string)
-path PATH (optional path to folder containing tweets. Defaults to current folder)
-output OUTPUT (optional file to output results. Defaults to output.csv)
-start START (define start date for tweets. Format (mm:dd:yyyy)
-end END (define end date for tweets. Format (mm:dd:yyyy)
-hashtag HASHTAG (define a hashtag that must be in parsed tweets)
attributes[attributes…] (attributes to search for. Attributes nested inside other attributes should be separated by a colon. Ex: user:screen_name, entities:hashtags:text)
For help:
python utils/extractor.py -h
This utility takes Snowflake ids (tweet ids) and extracts their creation times to a csv. More information about Snowflake ids and deleted tweets can be found here
python utils/flakey.py ids.txt > flakey.csv
This utility creates a text file of the media URLs of images used in the data and the tweet ids that used them.
python utils/media_urls.py tweets.jsonl > media_urls.txt
Specification of an output file is not necessary, however, without specification, output will be printed to the cmd.
This utility extracts media urls from tweet json.gz and saves them as warc records. Warcio is a dependency and before you can use it, you need to issue the following command:
% pip install warcio
The input file will be checked for duplicate urls to avoid duplicates within the input file. Subsequent runs will be deduplicated using a sqlite db. If an identical-payload-digest is found a revist record is created.
python utils/media2warc.py /mnt/tweets/ferguson/tweets-0001.jsonl.gz /mnt/tweets/ferguson/tweets-0001.warc.gz
--threads <int> (allows script to fetch media resources in multiple threads (max 2)(default to a single thread))
Note: Please be careful modifying this script to use more than two threads since it can be interpreted as a DoS-attack
This utility prints out retweeted tweet ids and the number of times they have been retweeted
python utils/retweets.py tweets.jsonl > retweets.jsonl
Specification of an output file is not necessary, however, without specification, output will be printed to the cmd.
For help:
python utils/retweets.py -h
This utility creates a text file of hashtags used in the data and the number of times each are used.
python utils/tags.py tweets.jsonl > hashtags.txt
This utility extracts the creation time from each tweet in the data.
python utils/times.py tweets.jsonl > times.txt
Specification of an output file is not necessary, however, without specification, output will be printed to the cmd
--format = FORMAT
-l, --local
For help:
python utils/times.py -h
This utility extracts the tweet user, screen_name, text, and id_str from each tweet in the data.
python utils/tweets.py tweets.jsonl > tweets.txt
Specification of an output file is not necessary, however, without specification, output will be printed to the cmd.
This utility reads a twitter user JSON and prints out CSV with the following information:
python utils/tweetometer.py tweets.jsonl > tweetometer.csv
Specification of an output file is not necessary, however, without specification, output will be printed to the cmd.
--unit (second, minute, hour, day, year)
For help:
python utils/tweetometer.py -h
This utility extracts the full text of each tweet with the user name of the account who created the tweet.
python utils/tweet_text.py tweets.jsonl > tweet_text.txt
Specification of an output file is not necessary, however, without specification, output will be printed to the cmd.
This utiltiy extracts tweet id, screen name, retweet count, and tweet urls from each tweet.
python utils/tweet_urls.py tweets.jsonl > tweet_urls.txt
python utils/tweet_urls.py tweets.jsonl > tweet_urls.jsonl
Specification of an output file is not necessary, however, without specification, output will be printed to the cmd. Alternatively, output could be set as JSON.
This utility outputs users one line at a time.
python utils/users.py tweets.jsonl > users.txt
Specification of an output file is not necessary, however, without specification, output will be printed to the cmd.
Use bash to count unique users:
sort users.txt | uniq -c | (sort gives you a list of IDs sorted by how many tweets are in your dataset.)